Friday, December 25, 2009

Tram Flap Reconstruction If You Have Had A Tram Flap Surg As Reconstruction For A Mastectomy, Can It Be Fixed?

If you have had a tram flap surg as reconstruction for a mastectomy, can it be fixed? - tram flap reconstruction

In January 2004, I had a bilateral mastectomy. I had a TRAM flap reconstruction. If you are not familiar with the operation, you can not help probably. To explain a lot. But with the streetcar, the doctor cuts the abdominal muscles and goes beyond the still too low from tissue is required to be pressed against the skin of the chest and placed in the uterus. After the skin is sewn into the vacuum in the chest, close to everything. Mesh is sewn into the region to celebrate their courage from in.

I hate it. I hate how I look. The breasts, according to my oncologist, are really good. However, to the Crusaders on the abdominal muscles above among them and made my whole body to deform the future. I would love it if the AB muscles could, some of them are replaced.

Does anyone know of an operation that has been done to resolve this problem? If weight loss is important. Now I have MS and just need a break.


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