Thursday, February 18, 2010

Magic Shaving Cream For Black Men Is There A Way To Shave Face Without Razor?

Is there a way to shave face without razor? - magic shaving cream for black men

I hate shaving, no. Shaving makes you look older overtime, because of constant renewal.

So my solution was to shave once a week. I hope that my perfect job, which requires a clean shave, he would shave just before my first day of the week and let it through my free days to grow. I found that shaving once a week, let's face much smoother and cleaner than when I shave every day or two. But I want to go further.

I want a way without removing the hair with a knife. Nair only works for hair and no face. No cream specifally black men facial hair removal. The cream is called Magic Cream Fragrant Cream Shave Beard Remover Razorless, but as I said justfor black men (not that discrimination lol).

Anyway, I wonder whether there is a cream, like Latinos and white people who do not textrure hair as black men.

People Díaz NIS.


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